Boris Grebenshchikov and BG+ in Prague

🌐 Country: Czech Republic

🏙️ City: Prague

🏛🎭🎶 Venue: Nová Spirála

📅 Date: 17/03/2025

🎫 Tickets from 1000


Before the event:

We invite you to the concert of Boris Grebenshchikov and the BG+ band in Prague on March 17th at the amazing venue Nová Spirála!

At this concert, Boris Grebenshchikov and the BG+ band will perform classics from the “Akvarium” era, as well as new songs from the mini-albums “BOGRUKINOG,” “New Silk Road,” and √☀ (“Square Root of the Sun”). BG+ emerged in the pivotal year of 2022, when “Akvarium” turned 50, but due to the war, the band had to cease its activities. BG+ includes, in addition to Boris Grebenshchikov himself, bassist Alexander Titov, keyboardist Konstantin Tumanov, drummer Liam Bradley, violinist Andrey Surotdinov, and flautist Brian Finnegan. Each BG+ concert is a kind of anti-war statement, as are all the new songs.

The concert will take place at the Nová Spirála hall at Výstaviště, which just reopened after renovation last November. Circular seating, a moving stage, and completely new experiences in terms of view, space, and sound.

Starts at 20:00 Doors open at 19:00

Age restriction 12+

Merchandise will be available at the concert.

📍 Address: Výstaviště 170/00, 170 00 Praha 7-Bubeneč